Latest NewsHere you’ll find answers to FAQ we’ve faced regularly when meeting clients, attending conventions or reading on social media. Some thins are not really questioned, but you get soon that this person is misunderstanding something a little or having it completely wrong. Have fun reading and if you don’t agree or want to add more information, please feel free and welcome to add a comment.
Display VS Performance Marketing
Basically, you should not compare the two instruments, because the goals of the two are completely different. Display campaigns are designed to make the brand / product known and remembered. The goal of such a campaign is to connect the customer to the product so that...
SEA? SEM? SEO? what?
There is a lot of confusion what exactly all those means. So the first thing is SEMarketing is everything you do in SEA or SEO. The difference between the two things is quite simple SEOptimization is everything you can do for a better ranking, WITHOUT...
Affiliate Marketing on the green mile?
Defenitly not! Even if you hear different, there is still some budget running in Affiliate Marketing and its good. In fact if we count Amazon, AliExpress, Wish and all those Marketplaces that are actually all running as kind of Affiliate programs makes it one...
What the heck is programmatic?
Programmatic here, programmatic there... you here it everywhere, but what is it exactly since so many are talking about. Programmatic is at the end a technology that allows you to buy or sell digital advertising inventory on a easy way! It doesn't change the...
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